Friday, October 23, 2009

German triumphs - TWN

Cliffy on Choppertown Nation posted this photo of a German Triumph at the TT Centennial on the Isle of Man.  Personally I never heard of Triumph in Germany, but some research turned up some interesting info.  Seems they started out early in the century copying British Triumph.  The logo has the flourish line above the name, opposite of British Triumph, which is below the name.  At some point, after the war, there was a pissing match over trade names, of course, and the German firm changed their name to TWN. 

Now look at this bike.  It seems like it is leaning opposite the kick stand, but possibly it just comes down on both sides...  The interesting thing, besides the salami, is the left side kicker...  Looks like many of the wartime production/military TWN bikes had a left side kicker.  I also saw some picks with right side.  Cliffy also says they had a reverse ignition (?) which allowed the bike to be started in reverse and run in reverse.  I noticed the right side on one bike has a kind of shifting lever by the gear box.  Could be this is what he means, you throw the switch and now start the bike and it is going in reverse!?!  K maybe not, who knows....???

Also, I looked at a lot of pics of these on line and most, even the smaller engines had dual exhaust.  So this is interesting in that as well.

 Dunno....  who knows?  You tell me.   Finally, they had a bitchin solid girder.  When this comes back, I get the credit... you heard it here first folks....

Take it easy

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I've been to spain, maine, brisbane and spokane. I've seen goat ropes and cluster fucks. I've heard a man talk over a wire and seen a lady walk on a wing.